
All individuals who interact with JWM

All individuals who interact with JWM must have their human rights respected, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, social class, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, political or union affiliation, disability, or any other characteristic. All forms of discrimination or disrespect, as well as any conduct that could harm the dignity of any individual, are prohibited by JWM.

JWM does not tolerate any form of discrimination or prejudice, whether based on ethnicity, gender, age, religious belief, political conviction, marital status, sexual orientation, nationality, length of service, maternity, physical disability, or any other personal characteristic.

The value of people is one of JWM’s fundamental principles. Therefore, the Company demands fair, ethical, and respectful treatment among its employees and in its relationships with clients, suppliers, service providers, and third parties.

JWM implements tools that promote equality and well-being for its employees, providing training courses, development opportunities, and a professional development policy, giving internal personnel opportunities to fill open positions, and committing to compliance with labor laws, agreements with unions, free association, and appropriate wages based on local market evaluations.

Through its employees, JWM supports projects that promote the social and economic development of the communities where it operates. It also seeks to value its employees through programs such as ICPP (Professional Development Incentive Program), in addition to offering specific training aimed at their professional development. In the locations where JWM is present, it maintains supportive and respectful relations with its neighbors, whether through careful and responsible service delivery, prevention of natural resource waste, or promotion of preservation campaigns for awareness. Our personnel are encouraged to also engage in community actions outside of working hours, exercising citizenship.

On the Right Hand” Program

JWM proudly participates in the “On the Right Hand” Program, an essential Childhood Brazil initiative dedicated to combating the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on highways. Our active participation in this network demonstrates our strong commitment to creating a safe and protected environment for the children of our country.

In partnership with companies, organizations, and individuals across the country, we join forces to raise awareness, train professionals, and implement effective preventive measures. Our contribution aims to build a society that vehemently rejects any form of child exploitation, promoting a safer and healthier future for future generations.

ICPP – Personal and Professional Growth Incentive

At JWM, we recognize the importance of continuous development for our staff. Through ICPP – Personal and Professional Growth Incentive, we offer employees the benefit of a day off for each certificate presented from courses related to their areas of expertise (limited to three certificates per year).

This initiative not only encourages professional improvement but also reinforces our commitment to the personal growth of each team member.

Training and Preventive Programs

Annually, JWM conducts a thorough assessment of the training needs for each job function. Based on this information, we develop a comprehensive Annual Training Plan (PAT), ensuring that all employees are properly trained and aware of issues related to their job performance, including environmental aspects.

This commitment to ongoing training demonstrates our constant pursuit of operational excellence and the promotion of a safe, productive, and sustainable work environment.


At JWM, awareness is a priority throughout the year. We conduct various campaigns dedicated to relevant topics, aiming to promote a culture of understanding and engagement among our team.

From mental health and well-being to sustainability and diversity, we are committed to creating an inclusive, informed, and safe work environment.

DSS – Weekly Safety Dialogue

Weekly updates via email, WhatsApp groups, and in-person meetings on work safety issues.

These dialogues are an essential part of our organizational culture, as at JWM, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our team, ensuring that everyone is well-informed and prepared to maintain a safe work environment.

Alive Eye on the Roads” Program

This program trains drivers who transport chemical loads in road transportation to be agents of observing unsafe behaviors on roads and highways, identifying risk situations and contributing to the development of accident prevention actions.

Workplace Gymnastics

Weekly, our staff meets with a physical education instructor to promote physical activities aimed at well-being and health in the workplace.